MARGE supports Enabel in the identification of technical solutions for the supply of renewable energy to the regional module of Fatick in Senegal which is part of the agropole centre. This 15-hectare site will be operational by the end of 2023 and will enable companies active in agro-processing and the processing of local products to set up and benefit from favourable conditions for their development. The agropole centre, which will eventually include some twenty sites, will contribute to socio-economic development and job creation in the Centre Region. The objective of the study is to design at a pre-feasibility level an electricity production unit, mostly renewable, which will allow to supply the regional module of Fatick in a reliable way at a lower tariff than the one of the national electricity company. This study includes technical, institutional, economic, financial and legal/regulatory aspects. Initially, all possible technologies, including the recovery of future residues produced on the site, were considered before prioritising certain options according to the context. Different management models were also studied. MARGE has already submitted the report of the first phase of the study to Enabel. A second phase of the project will see the development of the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) to launch a call for tender to select a company responsible for the detailed design and installation.